Nurturing Programs Overview

Nurturing Parenting® Programs bring parents and children together for structured weekly sessions over the course of 12–15 weeks. Following an internationally-recognized, evidence-based curriculum, Nurturing Programs are designed to address the needs of specific groups or populations – including those of parents with babies, parents and teens, fathers seeking to build relationships with their children, and birth and foster parents working to collaborate on childrearing.

Parents learn about child development and effective ways to communicate. They develop more empathy and practice new skills in making and enforcing rules and giving praise and encouragement. Children also participate in age-appropriate fun and interactive groups, learning the same nurturing skills and communication methods as their parents.

The philosophy of Nurturing Parenting emphasizes the importance of raising children in a warm, trusting and caring household. It is founded on the belief that children who are cared for develop the capacity to trust, care for, and respect themselves and those around them.

Each session of the Nurturing Program is designed to reinforce one or more of the five Nurturing Parenting Constructs

Appropriate Expectations of Children

Empathy for Children’s Feelings and Needs

Discipline with Dignity

Appropriate Family Roles

Developing Power and Independence in Parents and Children

Read more about specific programs offered in Boston by FNC:

•  Family Nurturing Program 

•  Nurturing Fathers’ Program 

•  Crianza Con Cariño Program 

•  Birth, Foster & Kinship Program 

•  Cape Verdean Program 

If you have any question related to Nurturing Programs please contact
Maxine Hall, Director of Nurturing Programs.

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Main FNC Address: 
200 Bowdoin Street, Dorchester, MA 02122 (617) 474-1143