200 Bowdoin Street, Dorchester, MA 02122

Family Engagement Network

The Boston Family Engagement Network (BFEN) is a citywide coalition of nine agencies (including FNC) focused on raising awareness about the importance of family engagement in the life of a young child and emphasizing parents’ role as their child’s first teacher.

BFEN is made up of parents, caregivers, community partners, early educators, and family support workers who are invested in ensuring that beginning at birth, all young children have access to a quality educational experience—at home, in school, or in child care—that supports all areas of their development.

BFEN’s Neighborhood Agents are available five days a week to get you connected to programs like Welcome Baby, Parent-Child Playgroups, parenting education classes, and child development screenings (Ages & Stages Questionnaires or ASQs).

Your family does not have to be enrolled with the agency, and there are no income restrictions to access these free community resources. 

Find your local BFEN Neighborhood Agent HERE.

For more information, email Maria Menzi, BFEN Parent Coordinator.