200 Bowdoin Street, Dorchester, MA 02122

Coalition & Community Building

FNC recognizes that healthy parenting is critical to a child’s well-being, but it cannot happen in a vacuum.

If caregivers are raising children in neighborhoods that are fractured, burdened by historic underinvestment and violence, their children are at a significant disadvantage in life and an increased risk for poor outcomes both in childhood and later in life. 

Our Coalition and Community Building team creates opportunities for families to advocate for and build the communities they envision—communities that are safe, healthy and joyful places to raise thriving children. 

Through community and cultural events, healing and support groups following instances of community violence, and access to material resources (like diapers and healthy food), FNC is disrupting generations of marginalization and centering the people who matter most to us: Boston’s families.

Get Connected

Fill out our online interest form to connect to FNC's Coalition & Community Building offerings.

Interest Form for CaregiversReferral Form for Providers