All Sponsor Levels Receive:
- Acknowledgment of support and logo on website and in pre-event emails
- Acknowledgment in event program and logo on a multimedia display during the event
For More Information:
For additional sponsorship information or any questions, please contact Valerie Bean, Director of Development: vbean@familynurturing.org or 617-474-1143 x224.
Lead – $100,000
- Three complimentary tables of 10
- Sponsor spotlight on social media outlets
- Recognition and presentation from stage, night of event
Major – $75,000
- Two complimentary tables of 10
- Sponsor spotlight on social media outlets
- Recognition and presentation from stage, night of event
Champion – $50,000
- Two complimentary tables of 10
- Sponsor spotlight on social media outlets
- Recognition from stage, night of event
Sustainer – $25,000
- One complimentary table of 10
- Sponsor spotlight on social media outlets
- Recognition from stage, night of event
Nurturer – $15,000
- One complimentary table of 10
- Sponsor spotlight on social media outlets
Patron – $10,000
- One complimentary table of 10
Benefactor – $5,000
- Six complimentary tickets
Supporter – $2,500
- Four complimentary tickets
Friend – $1,500
- Two complimentary tickets
Photo Credit: Javier Rivas, Umass Boston